membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 31.07.2018 09:51 Uhr
Thema: Überraschung: Ist wohl immer noch Scheiße Antwort auf: Groß, Größer, No Man's Sky! von Don Cosmo
Und nicht nur das - es ist sogar noch beschissener als vorher. Sagt zumindest Rock Paper Shotgun.



Now, rather than laserbeaming your way through enough rocks, trees and minerals, and then going through the inventory card game of generating constituent parts and combining them into useful items, it’s far more involved. Blurring the boundaries between last year’s base-building addition, you now need to gather resources to build machines to place on the ground. Then use these machines to create blueprints for other things, or use them to refine materials into other materials. And combinations of both. And then make items in your inventory to build other machines to trigger further crafting to make… ARGH. It’s so ridiculously jumbled, every menu seeming to have its own unique set of hotkeys and clicks, that not a single moment of it is vaguely intuitive.

(...) No Man’s Sky feels like a game that’s made for people who already play No Man’s Sky. When an available game’s opening is reworked and reworked, iteration colliding with iteration, both the developers and current playerbase seem to lose track of accessibility, and that is woefully apparent in No Man’s Sky’s latest incarnation. (...)

Processing elements in the Portable Refiner takes an enormous amount of time, for seemingly no good reason. It’ll take a minute and a half to change some cobalt into “ionised cobalt”, during which you can, well, wait for that to be done. (...) This deathly dull process has added a massive amount of complication to the most boring aspect of the game – combining inventory slots.

This portable refining tedium just escalates, as you’re soon asked to craft objects that require materials to be refined, then refined again! What were they thinking?! If it were free-to-play shenanigans, where you could pay money to skip these timers or something, at least there’d be an apparent rationale for their inclusion. Here the process only serves to make the game more boring to play.


Each menu seems to have contradictory controls, leaving me never knowing if I’m supposed to be left clicking, holding down left click, or pressing E, F or X, and even something as simple as moving items between your inventories is now a confusing jumble of both. Once where you could open a green box on the ground by just pressing a single key to get its contents, now you have to press X and select a menu to move some “rusty parts” out of the way, before it then dumps the item inside into a menu of its own choosing. It’s like they went through every single system and pondered how they could make it far more of a fiddle.

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