membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 08.06.2017 11:55 Uhr
Thema: ArsTechnica Xbox Live Usage Statgasm Antwort auf: Der arme Xbone von Icheherntion

Our analysis used a third-party API to randomly sample usage data from nearly one million active Xbox One Gamertags over a period of nearly five months starting last September (read the introductory piece for much more about the data and methodology). In the end, only about 1.5 percent of the more than 1.65 billion minutes of Xbox One usage time we tracked was spent on the 300+ backward-compatible Xbox 360 games, in aggregate. That translates to an average of just 23.9 minutes per sampled active Xbox One user spent on Xbox 360 games out of 1,526 average minutes of Xbox One usage during the sampling period.

Things don't look better for backward compatibility when you look at individual games. The most popular backward-compatible title in our sample, Call of Duty: Black Ops, was played by three or four out of every 1,000 active Xbox Live users, which is actually competitive with some of the most popular Xbox One titles. Usage rates for less-popular games drop off steeply from there, though, and no other backward-compatible title even ranks in the top 100 most popular Xbox One apps in terms of total unique users.

Überraschung: So gut wie keine Sau nutzt Backwards Compatibility! Diese und sehr viel mehr Statistiken hier in diesem langen Artikel auf Ars:

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