membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 28.10.2016 15:48 Uhr
Thema: Twitter Fail, *gacker* Edit: "disgruntled employee"? Antwort auf: Groß, Größer, No Man's Sky! von Don Cosmo

War hier: []

Mittlerweile ist der Account auf protected gesetzt.

Mehr hier:
"Tweet was posted via LinkedIn."


Murray hat sich nun das erste Mal seit 18. August wieder gemeldet:


Polygon berichtet:

Reached for comment Friday morning, a person responding to Murray’s email account and identifying himself as Sean said that he sent the tweet.

“The tweet is from me, but somebody from the team took it down,” he wrote in the email. “We have not been coping well.”

Murray hasn’t responded to follow up emails and his formerly active personal Twitter account hasn’t been used since Aug. 18.

Update: Forbes is reporting that they have spoken to a representative who verified that the tweet was sent from a “disgruntled employee.”

Update 2: Mashable is reporting that Sean Murray told them, “The tweet came from a disgruntled employee” and “We're currently trying to solve the issue internally.”

Kotaku dazu, die haben auch eine Email von Murray bekommen und veröffentlicht (die sich wohl auch als Fake rausgestellt hat), in der er sich für das Spiel entschuldigt und die undankbare Community-Reaktion anprangert. Es könnte gut sein, dassdie Antworten auf Nachfragen von Forbes/Kotaku/Polygon, die den "disgruntled employee" als Grund benennen, ebenfalls Fake gewesen sind, die Situation ist unklar.


Suspecting the account was hacked or otherwise compromised, Kotaku reached out to Murray at Hello Games via an email we’d communicated through in the past around 9:30 AM. We asked whether the Twitter account had been hacked. The response we got was: “No, the tweet was not a hack, but rather a disgruntled employee. The email that we sent however was official.”

Forbes and Mashable, who both reported on this this morning, both say they were also told by someone using Sean Murray’s e-mail that the “mistake” tweet was from “a disgruntled employee.” It’s unclear if those e-mails were legit. We had been given the same line, but when we followed up it became harder to believe this was really Sean Murray e-mailing us.

We were curious about the e-mailer’s reference to an “official” e-mail. Having received no other email from Hello Games this morning, we asked the person e-mailing us to send the e-mail they were referring to. At 9:53 AM we received the following response, forwarded from a different Hello Games email account bearing Sean Murray’s name. The statement was originally time stamped 7:55 AM. We believe this e-mail that we were sent is also fake:

No Man’s Sky was a mistake.
I have contacted you because the silence from Hello Games has been unwarranted and unprofessional. The community has asked me to speak up, and I have a confession to make. The game was simply unfinished upon arrival. Our hand was forced by not only Sony, but the community as well. The constant harassment and absolute gross misconduct on the community’s part has made it hard to fulfill our artistic vision, while the pressure from Sony to release the game as soon as possible forced us to cut key features. I want to apologize for what we did not deliver on, as the game does not meet up to what our artistic vision was.
However, we do wish that the community was more understanding of our situation. Many people have asked for refunds despite our promise to continually improve and update No Man’s Sky. We are just a small studio that has poured our blood, sweat, and tears into this project. The complete lack of respect when it comes to the work we have done absolutely saddens not only myself, but the team as well. We want to improve the game to the point we dreamed of it being and beyond.

I hope everyone affected understands,
Sean Murray

The information given to us via email exchanges didn’t line up with that given to Polygon, who were told by someone identifying themselves as Sean Murray that the original tweet was posted by Sean himself but removed by an employee.

Die Witzeleien lassen natürlich nicht auf sich warten.


Und im Subreddit:
"If two people login to Sean Murray's twitter at the same time...
Can they see each other?


***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 28.10.2016 17:54 bearbeitet.***
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