membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 22.09.2016 01:49 Uhr
Thema: No Guy's Sky - Doom II Mod Antwort auf: Groß, Größer, No Man's Sky! von Don Cosmo

"I've not got around to playing No Man's Sky yet," says modder Robert Prest in a video showing his recreation of No Man's Sky in Doom, "but I've based it on what I saw in the trailer." In the mod, called No Guy's Sky, you can visit planets in a spaceship, mine resources, speak with aliens, and visit space stations stocked with vending machines. There's even a center of the universe, helpfully marked with a billboard reading "CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE."

Prest, who is also working on a Doom mod based on DayZ called DoomZ, explains it took him about three weeks of work to create No Guy's Sky, though he originally expected it to take only three days. Planets, foliage, and creatures are all randomly generated, and the video shows several aliens built from a combination of Doom monsters and human faces, such as that of Neil deGrasse Tyson.

You can fly over the surface of planets using a jetpack, use a laser to mine minerals, and you've even got a backpack with an extremely limited inventory for storage. Prest may have not played No Man's Sky but he's definitely done his homework.

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