Macher  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 29.12.2010 14:54 Uhr
Thema: Re:GOTHY, FOTHY und IFSOTHY 2010 (emsedition) Antwort auf: Re:GOTHY, FOTHY und IFSOTHY 2010 (emsedition) von nazgul
>Es gibt außerdem noch eine Steigerung für die Itemsache: Wer acht(!) Mal in einem Level versagt, der kann Luigi als Super-Assistenten aktivieren, welcher DEN LEVEL BEENDET. Das ist ein eingebauter GODMODE, den man nicht bräuchte, wenn das Spiel etwas LEICHTER wäre.


After actually making the game (New Super Mario Bros DS), do you have any regrets or feelings that you wish you'd done things differently?

If I had to point out one aspect, I'd say that the difficulty level was a little…

While you succeeded in coming up with a Mario title that anyone could play, for those players who were seeking a bit more of a challenge, it may have been a touch too easy.

As you can imagine, no matter how hard you try, it just isn't possible to settle on a difficulty level that will satisfy everyone ranging from people who haven't played a game in years right through to players who know all the Mario games inside out. You have to focus it on either one or the other.

I like to describe the series of action games that you and your team come up with, most famously Mario, as being "sports tournament games". What I mean is, by pushing yourself harder and harder, you make progress, and then just when you have the goal in sight, you slip up. Then a voice seems to come from above that tells you: "Right! Give it another try!" Then you try again, and fail yet again. But by doing that, and failing again and again, you will steadily build up experience and as a result, when you do succeed, the feeling of satisfaction is incredible. That's why I think they're reminiscent of a sports tournament.

That's why we even discussed releasing an enhanced version of New Super Mario Bros., for those people who wanted to play a Mario that demanded more skills. With the Wii version of New Super Mario Bros. this time round, its biggest single defining feature lies there. We didn't just want first-time players to enjoy it; we wanted to make a new Mario game that players looking for a stiffer challenge would be able to relish.

Es geht weiter in dem Ton.

Zusammengefasst: Nintendo hat Schelte gekriegt, weil New Super Mario Bros auf dem DS zu leicht gewesen sein soll, und sie haben auf das Feedback reagiert, was bei einem Spiel, das so sehr Fanservice ist wie New Super Mario Bros, nicht grundsätzlich verkehrt ist. Ich habe es noch nicht gespielt und kann nicht beurteilen, ob es tatsächlich nervig ist. Das mit den Speicherpunkten, die zu weit auseinanderliegen, gab es schon in der DS Version. Komischerweise konnte man zu jeder Zeit speichert, sobald man das Ende einmal erreicht hat.

Der Macher
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