membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 27.09.2017 13:56 Uhr
Thema: Windows Store mal wieder edelst Antwort auf: Forza Forza! von Icheherntion
Sie haben ihren Shitstore immer noch nicht im Griff. Genau derselbe Mist ist bei anderen großen Releases auch passiert, u.a. FH3. Da war's übrigens noch so, dass die "Early Access"-Premiumkäufer auf PC einfach keinen Early Access Premiumzugang bekamen wie versprochen, das Spiel blieb einfach weiterhin versperrrt.


If you’re trying to pre-load Forza 7 on PC so you can be ready for launch, there’s a decent chance your download will halt at some random point midway through, prompting you to start over.

Many of those who pre-ordered Forza 7 – myself included – have run into a number of issues that stop the pre-load after some gigabytes have been downloaded. Sometimes this can be 15GB, 50GB, or 92GB.

The Windows Store spits out an error code, and when this happens, resuming the download does not in fact pick up from where it left off – it restarts the whole thing from the top. With Forza 7 on PC, this means re-downloading close to 100GB of data. The issue is so widespread, it’s the only thing people are talking about now on the Forza Reddit, and the official forums.
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