membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 09.11.2017 23:07 Uhr
Thema: Kotsturm zwingt Logitech zum Rudern Antwort auf: Logitech killt Harmony Link per Zwangsbrick von membran
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Auch lustig: aus deren FAQ zum Thema "Logitech zensiert 'class action lawsuit' in ihren Foren", weil es dazu schon auf Reddit entsprechend hoch her ging:

Q: Are you censoring the words “class action lawsuit” in your Logitech Forum?

Our intention is to ensure our forums help our customers when they need support. This includes keeping the conversation productive by monitoring the language used and automatically blocking profanity or personal attacks. This is common practice. The words “class action lawsuit” were blocked as our Community Terms of Use do not allow solicitation, including legal solicitation. We have unblocked the terms and are reviewing our list of blocked terms.
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