membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 09.11.2017 13:14 Uhr
Thema: Logitech killt Harmony Link per Zwangsbrick Antwort auf: Konsumrausch - ist der gesündeste Rausch! von Knut
Hatte Felix nicht so eine? Hoffentlich die mit dem Hub und nicht die mit dem Link. Weil den schießen sie jetzt absichtlich kommenden März tot.


So to sum up, users are getting several months notice that a gadget they own is going to abruptly stop working on March 16th. But I think it’s perfectly valid to question why Logitech feels the need to completely cripple the device. Phasing out customer support and warranty service would be one thing, but it always feels a little cold and mean to just brick something that’s given some customers years of utility.


This sucks, but it seems like the way of the future with cloud-backed products. In the old days, products stopped working when they broke. Now, they stop working when the company that sold them loses interest in continuing to support them. It feels spiteful. More than ever, it matters how much you trust the company from which you buy stuff.
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