Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 01.10.2016 05:52 Uhr
Thema: Re:Neuer Mario 64 Glitch-Speedrun Antwort auf: Neuer Mario 64 Glitch-Speedrun von membran

> "But in order to make Moat Door Skip useful for a speedrun, the team had to find
> a way to quickly get into VCUtM with only 0 stars. The only known way to do this
> involves jumping with a very high negative speed, which results in a
> proportionally large vertical displacement that can traverse the depth of the
> water in 1 frame. In order to make the trick work, the team had to design a far
> more potent BLJ than anything ever seen before on Castle Grounds. SilentSlayers
> and sonicpacker set to work on surveying for potential BLJs, and eventually they
> found one on the far side of the lake that allowed several thousand speed to be
> accumulated. Tyler then figured out how to route the speed to an appropriate jump
> location, and the vision of the Moat Door Skip was fully realized!"

Übersteigt alles meinen Horizont, ist aber schon irgendwie geil. Einerseits z.b.
der Mittelteil, wo die ganzen Plattformen quer und sonstwie übersprungen werden
und zum anderen so einen Krams erstmal herauszufinden.

Noch unglaublicher ist, dass das früher mal der Shit war!
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