membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 15.01.2016 09:48 Uhr
Thema: Re:Future Disney Movies Antwort auf: Re:Future Disney Movies von Don Cosmo
Basically everything is a sequel now. Or a remake. With rare exception, Hollywood is bankrupt of original ideas. More than half of the top 25 highest-grossing films of 2014 were sequels, remakes or reboots. In the past three months alone we had "Jurassic World," "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and "Furious 7." Add that to the rise of the book adaptations, and original screenplays are nearly extinct. And now there's going to be more "Hunger Games" and "Maze Runner," another "Maleficent," another "Star Wars" and another goddamn "Princess Diaries." According to this list by some person on IMDb, there are nearly 250 sequels scheduled between now and 2020. That's a rough sketch, but that just means user dimantha_j is missing some reboots that haven't been announced yet.

Das hier ist auch noch interessant.

Die guten Filme muss man halt, wie eigentlich immer, mit der Lupe suchen. Es werden ja nicht auf einmal keine guten Filme mehr gemacht. Sie gehen nur in einer Masse aus Sequels und Remakes und Reboots (allesamt mit riesigem Marketing-Budget) unter.
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