Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 30.01.2024 03:50 Uhr
Thema: Montage Spezial Antwort auf: Montage von Sascha


"A severe storm in Omaha, Nebraska. Tony Luu and 2 of his friends were trapped in
an elevator in his downtown Omaha apartment building. The group had decided to
check out the extent of the storm damage outside and took the elevator down to the
ground floor. As they reached the lobby, water began rushing in from the lobby and
through the vents into the elevator before its doors could open. The water rose
quickly, reaching up to Tony's neck while he was standing on the elevator's railing.
During this time, one of his friends called 911, and Tony called his roommate, who
worked in maintenance for the building, for help. Before emergency responders arrived,
Tony's roommate and a third person were able to open the elevator door from the lobby.
When the doors finally opened, the water rushed out, and Tony swam out. In addition
to Tony and his friends, four others were stuck in another elevator. No one in either
elevator required medical treatment."
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