Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 01.12.2023 21:05 Uhr
Thema: Der Kampf um Mosul Antwort auf: Nicht zuschauen ist auch keine Lösung [Serien + Filme] von Daiyama

Zwei teilweise schon ältere Dokus über den Kampf um Mosul. 2014 vom IS
kampflos erobert, 2017 nach 252 Tagen Kampf und 10.000 Toten befreit.

"This was brutal to watch, the world is upside down. The Iraqi Special Forces were
ruthless. Seeing the different responses from those fleeing showed a disturbing and
equally distressing reality to the suffering faced by civilians in a War Zone. A
parent holding their wounded child which was dazed and clinging onto life. A group
of women with their daughters, all crying in overwhelming shock and grief, explain
how their husbands, fathers and sons were slaughtered, and they were also shot at
from "back there." A woman holding her daughter, escaping but looking back and
screaming of how she can not find her 18 month old infant, while simultaneous close
range explosions occur from where the woman is directing."

"The American volunteer medic who takes the young baby in his arms at 39:25 was
killed in Ukraine when the Russians shot an anti-tank missile at the ambulance
he was removing a patient from."

"Please protect us". That mother shaking over the fear
of losing her children encapsulates the horror of every war."

"Thank you for giving these men and their stories
a voice for us to listen to, and learn from."

"The Iraqis made the choice to fight for their country and earned my respect."

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