PUH  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 27.07.2022 08:36 Uhr
Thema: ISS ohne Russland? Antwort auf: Space. von PUH

""We haven't received any official word from the partner as to the news today," Robyn Gatens, ISS director at NASA headquarters, said at the livestreamed ISS Research and Development Conference in Washington, D.C. this morning, according to SpaceNews"

"She speculated that perhaps Russia was planning for a future space station after the ISS, along similar lines to NASA’s early-stage commercial space station efforts. "I think the Russians, just like us, are thinking ahead to what’s next for them," Gatens said."

Die anderen Länder sind wohl mindestens bis 2030 dabei.

***Diese Nachricht wurde von PUH am 27.07.2022 08:46 bearbeitet.***
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