Don Cosmo  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 12.02.2022 15:00 Uhr
Thema: Re:HULU bestellt neue Futurama-Folgen Antwort auf: Re:HULU bestellt neue Futurama-Folgen von Sascha
>Nachtrag: Hihi!
>2008: Everyone gets real excited for the Futurama DVD movies
>2009: People mostly stop caring because those movies aren’t very good.
>2010: Everyone gets real excited for new Futurama episodes,
>because maybe they’ll be good this time because it’s regular episodes.
>2011: People mostly stop caring because the new ones are underwhelming
>2013: The Futurama revival ends after 52 mostly-disappointing episodes.
>2023: Has it been long enough that people will get excited again?
>Will the cycle begin anew? We shall see.

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