Razia  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.01.2021 13:17 Uhr
Thema: Re:ESA Antwort auf: Re:ESA von Mschl
>>Die ESA-Seite ist so mies dachte ich, aber man muss [www.esa.int] nehmen. Ganz interessant die Strategie:
>>Our strategy includes three destinations where humans will work with robots to gather new knowledge: low-Earth orbit on the International Space Station, the Moon and Mars. The three destinations share a common horizon goal, namely human presence on Mars.
>>In the medium term, the exploration programme includes Europe’s service module for NASA’s Orion spacecraft, a landing on the Moon with Roscomos’ Luna and drilling into Mars with ESA’s ExoMars rover.
>>A Gateway farther afield than the International Space Station will be a springboard for a sustainable lunar surface exploration and preparing for the next big leap to Mars.
>Klingt 1:1 wie das Szenario aus The Expanse. Faszinierend.

Ja, ne? Schön
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