michelangelo99  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 29.01.2012 12:55 Uhr
Thema: Re:Bin dabei. :oD Antwort auf: Bin dabei. :oD von der rademacher
>>Wir können aber auch gerne normale Runden drehen, falls jemand den Passing-DLC völlig unverständlicherweise nicht haben sollte.
>Haeh? Ich verstehe gerade leider nur Bahnhof. o_O Der Mutator (fuer die Boxed-Kampagnen) ist doch vom Besitz des DLC unabhaengig oder nicht?

Nein, The Passing ist Voraussetzung, siehe L4D-Wiki:

Mutations is the name for a set of gameplay modes that were released alongside the campaign, The Passing in Left 4 Dead 2. The Mutations are special game modes that run for one week before it is retired, and replaced by a new Mutation each week as they become announced on the in-game Blog Post every Friday. Periodically, a poll will be conducted for players to vote for their favorite Mutation, which will return the following week as an Encore Mutation, meaning it will re-appear the next week (See below for Encore Mutations). It is only available to those who have downloaded The Passing.
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