Rinoa  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 21.01.2009 09:26 Uhr
Thema: World of Illusion Antwort auf: Carnival Event ab 23.01. von Rinoa
World of Illusion is a bonus mission designed for parties of 4 players, with an ultra-high drop rate. Fight against endless waves of enemies for awesomely rare items!

But be warned: only the strong will make it out with anything to show! EX traps will be limited, and CAST blast gauges are reset at the start of each round—and what’s more, any incapacitated player is automatically removed from the mission. Enemies get progressively harder every round during this knock-down, drag-out fight for survival!

At the end of each stage before the final stage, the party leader will have the opportunity to choose whether or not to continue. If you choose to quit the mission, then bonus loot containers will appear based on the last round you finished—will you take the loot and escape while you can, or put it all on the line for a chance at bigger prizes in the next round? The World of Illusion promises to be one of the most challenging and unique missions ever for all GUARDIANS who dare to undertake it!
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