Rinoa  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 20.12.2007 12:25 Uhr
Thema: Update am 21.12.2007 Antwort auf: Phantasy Star Universe von Rinoa
The official Japanese Xbox 360 site has been updated with a preview of what to expect in this Friday's maintenance of the US PC/PS2 and Xbox 360 servers.
Seasonal lobbies: Though it won't begin with this update, the New Year's lobby will become active in Clyez and Ohtoku Cities starting January 01, 2008. It will run until January 11.
New field: AMF Central Command will be added.
New mission: With the new field, a new mission, Electronic Brain, will be added. Guardians will go up against Motherbrain, the AMF's main computer which has gone out of control. This mission is accessed from the AMF Central Command lobby which follows the mission Military Subway.
New photon arts: Many new skills be added to the Skill License mission available at the Dagora City GUARDIANS Branch. A few of these include Vivi Danga and Ikk Hikk.
New items: Numerous new weapons, line shields, units and more will be added. Also look for new room decorations at Clyez City's Variety Shop.
Casino Voloyal prize counter update: Many new decorations and music discs will be added to the exchange counter at Casino Voloyal.
There is also an unconfirmed report that the Photon Gacha will have its description updated, making it safe to use again. Special thanks goes to beatrixkiddo for the tip. Feel free to discuss this update in the forums
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