Peter FCS  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 12.12.2007 07:38 Uhr
Thema: Freitags-Update! Antwort auf: Phantasy Star Universe von Rinoa

Ich melde mich schon mal zur Weihnachts-Rappy-Jagd an!

Seasonal lobbies

Christmas lobbies will open in Clyez, Holtes and Dagora Cities. Remember to be on the lookout for the rare Rappy Noel while on missions!

New field

Habirao F.D will open on Neudaiz.

New missions

Hill of Spores will have Guardians running through the Habriao Forbidden District, an area of Neudaiz that had to be closed off to the rest of the public due to the high concentrations of photons in the air.
Rare, Dancing Birds will introduce a few new subspecies of Rappy, brought forth by a mix between SEED influence and the high photon levels of Habirao. Take down the leader Rappy Gugg!

New field lobby

Habirao F.D: Old Village will open on Neudaiz.

New items

The new missions will introduce numerous new weapons and other items.
New clothing and parts color variations will be released.
Shitenkaku's offertory box will be updated.
Many new room goods will be added to the Variety Shop.
Casino Voloyal's prize counter will receive an update to rotate in some new items, including decorations and music discs.

System update

TECHNIC casting times will be adjusted.
The Ra-series of TECHNICs (at LV31+) will be able to hit up to four targets instead of only three.
Rods will receive an adjustment which will make TECHNICs more powerful.
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