sui  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 21.03.2005 17:10 Uhr
Thema: Star Trek MMORPG Antwort auf: Noch mehr Spaß... n/t von Mschl
Erst der Link: [,768,2121571718]

Und jetzt ein Kommentar eines gewissen "ZoinkS!" aus dem B3D Forum:

Have you watched Star Trek? Will we solve problems the same way they do? Will we be able to contain warp core breaches with a boryon particle emitter just in time to power up the modified deflector arrays so they can generate an inverse tachyon field to shield the ship from a class 9 particle wave long enough to repair the malfunctioning holodeck which has trapped and is endangering the lives of several crewmembers for the 5th time in 2 months?

I can't imagine the gameplay. The main thing ensigns do is sit in a chair and push buttons. (Except for when the ship is hit by enemy fire, knocking the crew out of their seats. Strange they don't implement inertial dampening fields to take care of the problem. Or seatbelts.) So we'll be pushing buttons to play a game where our avatars will be pushing buttons. It's like a recursive universe thing. Even more so on the inevitable holodeck missions... we'll be playing a simulation of someone playing a simulation in which the npc's have become self-aware...  

But more important then the gameplay: I really want to know how many tribbles do we need to kill to reach level 40?

Fand ich in der Ueberspitzung durchaus lesenswert :)

regards, alex
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