Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 04.12.2023 19:15 Uhr
Thema: Star Trek Lower Decks S04E10 ''Old Friends New Planets P Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XV! °`°º¤ von Sascha

Wenn Mariner vor 13 Jahren auf der Sternenflotten-Akademie war...
...und dort u.a. Wesley Crusher getroffen hat und wir mal annehmen...
...sie war dort so in Wesley's Alter, was wir mal mit 16 spezifizieren...
...dann ist Mariner ja nun auch schon fast 30. Hm.
Ach, die sind fast Weg und Mariner ist Neu. Also ein paar Jahre jünger.
"First, I'm assuming she was born in 2351, which makes her 30 as of...
...season 2. I know there's a reference in season 1 where Boimler...
...(who was 23 at the time) says "we're the same age." Rather than...
...take that literally, I'm going to take it to mean they're both... their twenties, since assuming Mariner were born in 2351 she'd... 29 in season 1, set in 2380." (...)
"Now I'm going to incorporate the popular fan theory that she spent...
...her childhood on board the Enterprise D, as she does seem to know...
...a lot of specific details about that ship. She would have been 13... 2364, TNG's first season. That means that she would have turned...
...18 in 2369, TNG's 6th season, meaning she'd have been aboard the...
...Enterprise D for a good percentage of TNG's run so far. This could...
...also have been when she left to enter Starfleet Academy, at which...
...point she would have graduated in 2372, DS9's fourth season. (...)
"Now we know Mariner's been on five ships during her Starfleet career...
...presumably including the Cerritos. And we know know one of her...
...prior assignments was on DS9 while Worf was there, which conveniently... was during the fourth season when he joined that show. So we...
...can assume DS9 could have been Mariner's first assignment after...
...graduating, and maybe she stayed there until the end of 2373...
...when the Dominion War started and DS9 was abandoned. After that...
...over the course of the Dominion War rapid transfers would have...
...been a thing, meaning Mariner could easily have ended up on two...
...other ships before she ended up on the Quito, which we know she...
...was on as recently as a year prior to season 1, given she was...
...still on the Quito when they made first contact with the aliens...
...from the premiere episode. At some point after that first contact...
...mission, she got transferred to the Cerritos." Me Gusta.
Ach ja, Nick hatte Mariner Gefangengenommen. Nein, er hat sie nach...
...eigener Aussage vor den Klingonen gerettet.
Die Zurückhaltung der Sternenflotte ausnahmsweise mal verständlich.
"Da gab es aber kein Blutvergießen. Und wir dürfen nicht damit beginnen."
Genesis angeeignet, Schiff geentert, mit Muttis Codes Startklar gemacht.
Tendi beim Tauschkampf um ein Power-Schiff müsste jetzt nicht sein.
Das Mariner jetzt total alleine ein Schiff durch den...
...Piekse-Gürtel steuert und dazu noch kämpft? Naja.
Detrion 9 wird jetzt Ge-genesist!
Oder alle zusammen, Mariner ist umstellt.
Das kapotte Orion-Schiff wird als Barriere-Ramme eingesetzt. MEGA!
Mariner auf der Captains Yacht, Locarno wird wohl mit Ge-genesist!
Paywall beim deaktivieren der Bombe. Und Boom.
Tolles Ende mit der Gruppe.
Brutal geiles Endtheme heute.

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