Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 25.11.2023 19:04 Uhr
Thema: Minx S02E06 ''This is our zig'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XV! °`°º¤ von Sascha

How do I get from this
table to that one?

What's in it for me?

Helping me out.
What do you mean?
What do you want, cash?

Minx subscription.
Full year, plus back issues.

You're too young.
How old are you, kid?

- 13.
- You are 13?

- You got a place to store it?
- Yeah.

'Cause I used to
keep mine, you know,
ladies underwear catalogue,
under a mattress.
Where are you keeping yours?

That's the first
place they look.
I got a spot under the
floorboard of the kitchen.

Black BBQs best BBQs.

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