Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 02.05.2023 19:12 Uhr
Thema: Bob's Burgers S13E19 ''Crab-solutely Fabulous'' (Spoiler Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XIV! °`°º¤ von Sascha

South Park hat vor vielen Jahren mal eine sensationell Gute Wrestling Folge
abgeliefert: "They all feel that the wrestling coach Mr. Connors's teaching
of "real wrestling", or "wrassling", is too homoerotic and immediately quit
the class to form their own backyard wrestling league called "the Wrestling
Takedown Federation" (W.T.F.), much to the frustration of Mr. Connors. The
boys' federation relies heavily on theatrical elements and scripted story-
lines, with such characters as a Russian who belittles Americans (played
by Cartman), a veteran of the Vietnam War (played by Stan) and a girl who
has had fourteen abortions (also played by Cartman). Their audience grows
quickly, and consists mostly of rednecks who believe the action is real and
the dialogue reflects actual events. As its popularity increases, the boys
add an auditorium, complete with proscenium staging and theater-style lighting,
to the back of Cartman's house. Soon, the events see the performers reciting
dramatic monologues more often than engaging in wrestling and stunt work."

Heute war's nett und schön und kreativ, aber gezeckt hat's nicht und
Jane Lynch kann ich echt nicht mehr als Gastsprecherin hören.

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