Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 15.01.2022 19:42 Uhr
Thema: Star Trek Lower Decks S02E08 ''I, Excretus'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XIII! °`°º¤ von Sascha

Oh, no, no, sir,
I-I wanna kill you, I...
Just give me the knife. Aah!

Good God, what did you do?
This Klingon isn't dead.

I-I was trying to save him?

- What? Come on. Come on.
- Faster. Kill me. Kill!

We have to get this warrior
an honorable death, stat!

- Get me 300cc's of any type of poison.
- I have to die!

They have giant hearts,
so many backup organs.

Sir, it's done. There's
nothing else we can do.

Damn it. Call it.
Time of life, 0900.

Sehr geile Holodeck-Folge! Das schaut echt so aus, als ob die Serie
noch mal die Kurve gekriegt hat. Wobei es ja relativ vielen gefallen
hat. Und war schon jemals irgendwo die Rede von... Baby-Borg?

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