Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 22.11.2020 19:51 Uhr
Thema: Family Guy S19E05 ''La Famiglia Guy'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XII! °`°º¤ von Sascha

God, can you believe that
Trump hung himself in prison?

Einblendung: We wrote this in February 2019. Were we right?


Oh, God, here comes Doug.
He just got a race car bed,
and now I'm gonna have to hear about it.

Hey, Stewie.
Still sleeping in the slow lane?

So, your mom still taking you
to the ladies' room
to go pee-pee?

Actually, yes.

Yeah, me, too.
I don't like the men's room.
All the urinals are at mouth level.


Hear that, Doug?
My dad's now the godfather.
And yours is... VP of Systems
Integration or something?

What was that, Stewie?
I was invited to sit
at the first grade table.

What?! How'd you get that invite?

Big D energy, Stewie.
You either got it or you don't.

Oh, yeah? What does the "D" stand for?

- Wh-What?!
- Ohhh!

- Stewie, my parents are trying to make it work.
- Gee, Stewie.

- They're doing their best.
- He ended things with the nanny.

Oh, yeah. Uh, g-g-g-good for them.
Gene and Sheryl are wonderful people.
I-I hope they make it work.
Good vibes. Healing.
G-G-G-God bless you all...


God, I can't believe Mike Pence
came out of the closet
just before he hung himself in prison.

Einblendung: Again, We wrote this in February 2019. Did we Nail it?


And as a mafioso,
I'll be doing more voice-overs,
which will always begin
by naming everyone at the event.

There we were - at breakfast.
It was me, Chris G.,
Meggs, Lois Griff, Little Stew
and Uncle Junior Grandpa Nephew
who was my cousin.


Sehr gute Folge heute.

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