Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 11.06.2020 19:31 Uhr
Thema: Good Girls S03E09 ''Incentive'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XI! °`°º¤ von Sascha

Fand ja die "Hmmm... Nail Polish drin, muss ne Frau sein"-These noch nach
vollziehbar, aber Lauren Lapkus (Susan in OITNB) als taffen Detectiv hin-
zustellen, find ich mutig. Aber Props für Madeline Zima (Grace in die Nanny).
Geiles Mutter/Tochter-Ding im Auto.

What an example you are,
Sister Ruby.

Don't look at me with your
little smug, judgy face,
like you're grown when you know
nothing about nothing.

I have homework.

What, you thought kidneys
grow on trees?
I made a choice, okay?
To do something
I thought I would never do.
And it wasn't for fun
or to have nice things.

What do you mean?

I bought you a second chance.
I'm sorry, I stole it.
Something that insurance,
prayers, neighbors,
none of that could do.
And I will be damned
if I threw my soul away
so you could turn out like this.

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