Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 07.03.2020 19:13 Uhr
Thema: Hawaii Five-0 S09E24 ''Hewa ka lima'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XI! °`°º¤ von Sascha

Yeah, this is bad.
Two years ago,
Cryolaris developed
a cutting-edge
new anesthesia machine.
Only problem was the three
people it killed during R&D.

Three people killed?
With those numbers, there's no
way this machine goes to market.

Yeah, and yet, it did.
And quite the market it's been.
They cleared half a billion
on this device alone.

They do the math
and decide it's cheaper
to pay out settlements
than fix the product flaw
that's killing people?

This information got
out, we're talking
a Class I FDA recall,
millions in payouts
and penalties.

Yeah, not to mention
criminal negligence charges
for the top brass.

Sehr lauwarme Secret Service Side-Office Story, aber ein paar gute Momente
mit Joe Lawrence. Absolut unnötig die Lou und sein Bruder Bäcker-Story, die
am Ende aber doch noch sympathisch wurde, während der Rest der Folge mit
Cliffhanger endet. Aber eine ist noch diese Staffel.

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