Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 17.01.2020 19:45 Uhr
Thema: Carmen Sandiego S02E07 ''The Crackle Goes Kiwi Caper'' ( Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv XI! °`°º¤ von Sascha

Carmen, I have to know...
are you a spy?
Part of some kind of secret service?

I do provide a service, and it is secret,
so, yeah, something like that.

- But we are the good guys?
- Absolutely.

Unterhaltsame Folge mit ihm.

"While in custody of Interpol, V.I.L.E. ordered Crackle to be extricated by The
Cleaners and returned to V.I.L.E. Academy for decommissioning a process which
includes a mind wipe with one of Dr. Bellum's inventions. Following his disposal,
Gray was returned to Sydney, Australia to his job as an electrician at the Sydney
Opera House having no memory of the years he spent at V.I.L.E. Academy or Carmen.
At the opera "Carmen" they meet and arrange a meeting at his favorite cafe. Though
Carmen thought this would be a chance to start over with Gray, Player suspects that
becoming involved with him, could be a trap as he could be reactivated with a
subliminal message, a suspicion everyone has after "The Opera in the Outback Caper".
He can be very mean when he feels like it."

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