Don Cosmo  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 03.01.2020 08:56 Uhr
Thema: Re:Snoopy In Space S01E05 ''Mission 5'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: Snoopy In Space S01E05 ''Mission 5'' (Spoiler!) von Sascha
>As I was trying to explain,
>present-day space travelers can enjoy
>many of the same things they eat on Earth.
>As long as it doesn't make crumbs
>that could jam up the equipment.
>So that means no toast, no potato chips,
>and definitely no cookies.

>Schhokilade krümelt nicht, von daher Weltraumgeeignet!
>"Schokilade krümelt aber do..." NEIN, TUT SIE NICHT.


Und ja, man sollte mal auf die Finger achten.
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