Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 04.12.2019 19:12 Uhr
Thema: Godfather of Harlem S01E05 ''It's All in the Game'' (Spo Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv X! °`°º¤ von Sascha

Who in the world
would loan money
to a broke nigger?
I got names that keep
goin' around in my brain,
but only one comes to mind:
Joe Bonanno,
who refuses to pay me taxes
for the dope he wants to sell.
I think that you found out about that.
I think you met him
and I think you arranged a dope deal.
Well, guess what, Johnson?
I got there first.
All those kilos
that he was gonna advance you
are now in my possession.
Let that sink in.
So you owe him whatever
he was gonna front you
for your numbers crisis
and a shitload of fuckin' kilos of dope.
That's me above you!

Puh, dicke Wett-Sache. Damals 300.000 Dollar? Yo. Aber dann doch etwas
sloppy geschrieben, klaro fällt von denen niemanden was auf, wenn dutzende,
hunderte auf die selbe Nummer wetten und alle anderen Buchmacher (die
natürlich wussten, dass die Nummer kommen wird) die schon gar nicht annehmen.

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