Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 16.01.2019 19:06 Uhr
Thema: Bob's Burgers S09E11 ''Lorenzo's Oil, no, Linda's'' (Spo Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv IX! °`°º¤ von Sascha

Your mom's at an essential oil party?!
Oh! We got to get your mom out of here!
She needs an oil-vention!

Aunt Gayle, you're scaring me.
Yeah. You know I love being
screamed at and thrown in a car,
but what is going on?

Essential oil parties are dangerous.
I bought the distributor's
package at one of those parties,
$600 worth, and I
couldn't sell any of it,
and I used half of it on myself!
It's on my credit card, Tina.
I'll be paying it off till I'm dead!
We can't let your mom end up like me!

Aah! You're right!
We can't get any poorer, can we?

Solide, aber so richtig neues in Sachen Verkaufsparty war' auch nicht.
Und irgendwie hatte ich gelesen, es sollte erst im März weiter gehen.

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