Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 17.03.2018 19:39 Uhr
Thema: Good Girls S01E02 ''Mo Money Mo Problems'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv VIII! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

Ich denke, es wäre praktischer gewesen, wenn das eine Netflix-Serie
wäre, wo die ganze Staffel schon fertig ist. Macht sich noch sehr
gut, allerdings befürchte ich bei einer Network-Serie, dass es da
ganz schnell länger oder kürzer wird und die Story drunter leidet.

You're an idiot.
What, are you gonna blow our
brains out all over the room?
'Cause that's how it works, right?
Someone shorts you,
and they get tossed out
like trash?
And no one cares,
and no one even notices.
Your problem this time is that's not us.
We're normal people.
We pay our taxes and...
We take our kids to P.F. Chang's,
and we take orange slices
to soccer games.
And when bad things happen
to good people,
everyone else goes crazy.
It's all over the news.
And there are all these
hashtags and movements.
Because if it could happen to us,
it could happen to anyone.
So if you wanna invite
all that attention
over a few grand,
then you're not the smart
businessman you think you are.
Now, roll the dice.
Tell him to pull the trigger.
See what happens.

Schöne Serie bis jetzt. Schöne Dinger am Ende, geile Mucke.

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