Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.03.2017 19:02 Uhr
Thema: The Expanse S02E05 ''Home'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv VII! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

Well, it's, uh...
I can't shake the
feeling I'm being watched.

That's me. I'm watching
you. You're doin' great.

Yeah. That must be it.

These voices are...
They're not alive, Miller.
They're just echoes of
who those people were.

Und die ganze Zeit dachte ich nur, hoffentlich geht Miller nicht drauf.
HOFFENTLICH GEHT MILLER NICHT DRAUF. Zwischenzeitlich hatte ich dann
Angst um Naomi.

Miller, we don't have time for this.
Naomi's heat-map. You
know where it's leading us?
It's leading us right
back to the Blue Falcon.

Where we found Julie?
I mean, what are the chances, right?
These voices are getting louder
the closer I get to there.
I think she's still in there.

Miller, Julie Mao's
dead. We both saw her.

Yeah, what does dead mean
to a protomolecule, right?
I'm not talking about her body.
I mean, her, her consciousness.
I'm talking about a part of her
that might be a part of this rock.
Everything happening here
is all built around Julie.
Julie was the first one to get infected.
And it was right there
at the Blue Falcon.
The protomolecule infected her. What if,
she infected the protomolecule back.
You know the Razorback, her old ship,
headed right for Earth?
I keep hearing her talk
about the Razorback.
I think she thinks she's on it.
I think she's controlling
this whole thing.
She's the seed crystal.

Und er schleppt die ganze Zeit die Nuke-Bombe durch die
Gänge. Woot. Effekte, Musik und Stimmung waren auf den Punkt!

I miss Earth.

I know, kid.
But we can't go to Earth.
A lot of good people are
gonna die if we go there.
They're the same people
you're fighting for.
But we don't have to go to Earth, right?
Why don't we go to Venus?
We're headed that way anyway.
Go to Venus. Work continues...

I don't think I can.

Look, kid, I came an
awful long way to find you.
Because I believe in you.
Would you believe a guy like me
would believe in something?
I know you're a fighter.
I know you can steer this ship.

I'm done fighting. I
just want to go home.

You can't go home, Julie. I'm sorry.
We can go anywhere else
in the whole universe,
but we can't go home, honey.
But, hey, I need you to know,
whatever happens, wherever you go,
you're not going to do it alone.
What happens to us now?
I don't know. We die, maybe.
But if we don't die,
that'll be interesting.
Whatever happens, happens to both of us.
It's going to be okay.
You belong with me...

Was für eine großartige Folge. Am Ende sitzt man da und heult wie ein
Schloßhund. So sieht gutes Fernsehen aus. Trotzdem tut's weh. Mach's
gut Miller. (/_\)

Diese Selbstopferung ohne große Worte war schon Outstanding und wäre
das das Serienfinale gewesen, alles wäre gut.

"My reasons pro-survival: Julie seemed quite capable of existing without
being linked to the blue alien organism. It looked like she was reborn
when Miller found her (like a newborn self-sufficient organism), and
wanted to go to Earth, so why not? Miller could've persuaded her that
they can both just enter into one of the spaceships docked at
launch and fly to Earth.

Reasons con: We saw that Eros hit Venus, and that means that the nuke
on Eros never exploded, which means someone was holding a finger on it
all that time. They had to be on Eros to do this, so they never left
the Eros and both died hitting Venus. (or at least one of them did,
but probably both cause Miller told Julie he won't leave her alone)"

Irgendwie hoffe ich trotzdem, dass er wieder kommt.

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