Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 16.02.2017 19:52 Uhr
Thema: The Good Place S01E08 ''Most Improved Player'' (Spoiler! Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv VII! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

Ich hab irgendwie total verdrängt, dass sie sich im Abspann (!)
der letzten Folge ja als nicht zugehörig geouted hat.

Eleanor, come on in.
Well, not often you get to confront
your greatest failure face-to-face.

Good to see you, too, bud.

I am just dumbfounded
as to how this happened.
Our system has never
made a mistake before...
It's just not possible.
And yet, here we are.
First things first,
who are you?

Well, my name is Eleanor Shellstrop,
and some of the info you had was right.
I mean, "flattened by boner pill truck
after dropping margarita mix
in grocery store parking lot,"
that's a very me way to die.
But all the other info was wrong.
In my defense, when I first
arrived, and you said,
"You, Eleanor Shellstrop, are dead,
and you're in the Good Place,"
I had no reason to think
that was a mistake.

Location and date of birth, please.

Phoenix, Arizona, October 14, 1986.
So sorry, that's what
I used to tell people
when I lied about my age.
I was born in 1982.

You lied so much,
you forgot your own birthday.
Not a great start

Ich hätte mir ja so total gewünscht, das Eli trotz aller Verbesserungen
in ihrem Benehmen, den Höllenjungs mal so richtig die Hölle heiß gemacht
hätte. Das hätte die gute Folge noch mal richtig aufgewertet.

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