Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 01.12.2016 19:26 Uhr
Thema: The Strain S03E05 ''Madness'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv VII! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

Seven days. Seven more days passed and the levee broke wide open. The government
exhausted its resources trying to contain the infections in Washington, Atlanta,
Dallas, but it spread to 20 more cities, then 50. There was nowhere to run.
Outbreaks were reported in Germany, India, Africa, Japan. Countries tried their
own ways to stop it, but to no avail.

One global environment now engaged in a global war. Here in New York, we held
our battle lines against an enemy that continued to evolve. But for how much
longer? Were we still seeking victory or simply forestalling defeat?

Die Amsterdam 1973-Geschichte hat nicht ganz so geflasht. Der Schlachtraum
war mir auch wieder etwas zu dark. Die Strigoi wissen jetzt wie man
Schlösse knackt und Tunnel gräbt. Hab nicht schlecht geguckt, genau wie

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