Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.09.2016 19:24 Uhr
Thema: Hell on Wheels S05E14 ''Done'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv VI! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

Five years ago, the American people, torn apart by war, cried out into the
darkness and turned a hopeful ear to the void for an answer. Americans needed
a dream and I gave them one. A transcontinental railroad that would unite this
nation and its people. Dreams don't come pretty, they don't come clean and they
sure as hell don't come simple... they come true. Truth delivered by lies is no
less true, and dreams made reality by falsehood are no less real. 1,776 miles
of iron track, that is what I delivered! Track upon which thousands of wheels
will now revolve carrying on their axles the wealth of half the world. Final
Destination, San Francisco! Drawn by the Iron Horse, darkening the landscape
with his smoky breath announcing to the world with its piercing scream that we
are a great people who can accomplish great things. Yet the American people,
driven by their cowardly representatives in Washington, are in need of a villain.

And so here I sit, elected by you, to play my part... the part of the scapegoat.
The patsy. Sent into the wilderness so that men sitting in this room can lay
their sins upon my back, and claim they themselves are clean. Men enjoying
immunity while enriching themselves on the backs of those who sacrificed every
thing to make manifest America's destiny. Blood has been spilt. Lives have been
lost. Men have been ruined. I saw it, and I survived. I will not return from
the wild having made America's dream a reality only to have six bureaucrats in
starched collars judge the manner in which I realized that dream. Put me on
trial, lock me in prison, erase me from the record. For history is written in
pencil. And the truth is carved in steel across this nation. And one truth
above all others is this... without me and men like me, your glorious railroad
could never have been built. - Thomas Durant.

Am Ende einer Serie fragt man sich immer was kommen kann. Soll oder muss. Bei
Hell on Wheels hätte man angesichts der immer präsenten Tragik und Dramatischen
Ereignisse sicher erwartet, dass Bohannon das Zeitliche segnet. Das ihn seine
fünf Staffeln andauernde Mörderische Vergangenheit einholt. Aber so stärkt er
ein letztes Mal Durant den Rücken und segelt in den Sonnenuntergang nach China
um mit Mei zusammen zu sein. Und eigentlich hat jeder der verbliebenen sein
kleines eigenes Happy End bekommen. Oder zumindest kein tragisches Ende gefunden.
Schöne Serie, vielen Dank. Wir denken aber auch an Elam.

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