Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 12.08.2016 19:20 Uhr
Thema: Ballers S02E03 ''Elidee'' (Spoiler)! Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv VI! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

You can't keep taking risks with your
career for shits and giggles like this.
What's the point of working so
hard if you can't have any fun?

You don't get paid if you don't play.

They have to pay him. The
contract's guaranteed.

Not if they find out it's
a non-football injury.

So then they won't find out.
I mean, nobody saw us.
Jason already told them
that Vern was working out.

Look, you were in the backyard doing
agility drills with Marcus, all right?

I don't like to lie.
Vernon, Dallas can never
find out how this happened.

Oh, nach der Beichte bin ja mal gespannt, wie's das weiter geht.
Und... und... "He's such a Mensch". Sagt man das in den USA jetzt so?
In Orphan Black hab ich die Tage auch "Scheiße" gehört.

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