Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 06.12.2015 19:09 Uhr
Thema: Zoo S01E07 ''Sleuths'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv V! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

There are two types of hibernation, okay?
One is what we normally think of...
Yogi Bear goes into a
deep suspended animation
to survive a winter of scarce resources.
The other is when an animal
falls temporarily dormant,
so that resources can be
biologically redirected.

What does that mean... redirected?

Like, a... caterpillar
turning into a butterfly or...
when little kids sleep so
deeply when they're growing.

So... you mean you think that
the bear's changing?

I think it's possible.
The question is...
into what?

Den Ansatz finde ich recht interessant. Die Abraham-Geschichte war so brutal
wie traurig. Über die Quatschtante Chloe bin ich nicht erfreut. Aber gute Folge.

And what I think...
Just like our ancestors
developed opposable thumbs,
I think the Mother Cell is just
accelerating these mutations
in the animal kingdom that
we would see occur naturally,
but not for another...
several generations.
Maybe a couple hundred years from now,
depending on how long it takes
us to screw up the planet.
But we're seeing it now
because of the Mother Cell.

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