Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 29.08.2015 19:13 Uhr
Thema: Hell on Wheels S05E04 ''Struck'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv V! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

Mmmh, Mary Fields kann austeilen. Aber die alten Cayenne-Geschichten sind
total öde. Will China Wars sehen. Detail am Rande: Die Apotheke hieß früher
wohl Apothecary.

In China,
it's a tradition for a man's
family to look after his grave.
We provide our loved ones
with food, money... everything
he might need in the afterlife.
But, if there is no one to care for him,
he wanders as a ngor gui.
Hungry ghost... Forever.
That's, Yao Pak Na.
He's got a wife and
four children in Yunping.
So, as long as he's here, they will
never be able to care for him.
If living Chinese can't have
the same respect as white men,
maybe the dead can.
Honor the ones who gave
their lives for your road

Und die Sache mit dem Chang'schen Spielstein am Ende habe ich total vergessen.
Das wird noch Ärger geben, wenn der welche losgeschickt hat, Weiße umzulegen.

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