Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 04.04.2015 19:20 Uhr
Thema: 12 Monkeys S01E07 ''The Keys'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv V! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

I have the virus, but
someone's trying to kill me.

But you were just here...

Operation Troy is happening right now.
I have a chance to end it.

How can that be?

The virus is in a metal briefcase.
I'm here because in one week,
you and Aaron are gonna give me the details
so they can send me back to today to stop it.

Guter Mix mit der Party, dem USB-Stick und der Tschetschenien-Sache, aber so
richtig geflash hat's mich bis dahin nicht. Das man den Whisteblower so dar-
stellt, stößt mir negativ auf. Das ist eigentlich NCISLA-Propaganda-Niveau.

Ein Yakuza-Krieg in Tokyo in den 80ern wäre aber auch Mordmäßig geil.

You have to promise me something.
You're gonna see me again, in a week.
But it won't be the me from
now. It'll be the me from before.
When I'm there, you can't
tell me anything about this.
You can't try to change it.
If I die here with the virus,
the future will be saved.

Isn't there a way to
reset this? What if you...

- No.
- What if you went...

No, there's no time.
If we try again, we might
fail. I'm almost out of jumps.

I don't know if I can do that.

Yes, you can, Cassie. You can do it.
I know you can, because you already did.

Geil, hätte glatt ein Serienende sein können.

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