Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 10.03.2015 19:23 Uhr
Thema: Alpha House S02E10 ''The Nuptials'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv V! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

You're running dead even with Laffer.

This is insane.
Listen, folks, an election
is serious business.
We need our elected
officials to be qualified.
I ran because, one, I have
nothing to do during the day,
two, I crave attention, and three,
libertarian views don't get aired enough.
So that means I should be
in the United States Senate?
I'm a magician, for Christ's
sake, an entertainer!
I run naked through the Bellagio
fountains to promote my show.
I say "fuck" on TV, and
I paint my fingernail.
I pull down 100 grand a night
for pulling rabbits out of my ass.
You want me for senator?
What is wrong with you people?
Do you totally hate democracy?
I'm sorry, Jon, this is just
so fucked up. I quit.
The seat is yours, Louis.

Laffer wiedergewählt, Big John wiedergewählt, Bettencourt... Cliffhanger.
Schönes Staffelende, auch die Hochzeitsflucht von Julie & Catherine und
diese komische Bums-Sache zwischen Lola und James. Ob's weiter geht,
steht noch nicht fest.

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