Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 04.12.2013 19:33 Uhr
Thema: NCIS S11E07 ''Better Angels'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv IV! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

Papa-Gibbs geht immer. Aber die 2. Weltkriegs-Geschichte war eigentlich die ganze Zeit
lame. Flieger in Not, Kamerad weist ihm den richtigen Weg? Lame. Hatte eigentlich
gehofft, dass es eine Geschichte mit einem Deutschen ist. Kurioserweise kam's dann
nämlich doch noch so.

I'm asking you
to tell me the truth.

Why are you looking for him
in my squadron?
Thank God.
Walter was the enemy.
He was German.

But he's here?

Yeah, he moved here
after the war.
I told you he was German.

No. No, you didn't tell me.
I would have remembered that.

Well, oh...
It was a hundred years ago.
Who knows what I said.

Who knows?
Dad... German?
It's the most important part.

No, son.
The important thing was...
is that we were both fliers.
We were brothers up there.
We were the same.
We're all the same.
But we keep fighting each other.
Walter told me...
that he saved me that day...
because he wanted to remind
himself who he was.


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