Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 25.02.2013 19:47 Uhr
Thema: Legit S01E06 ''Family'' (Spoiler!) Antwort auf: ø¤º°`°º TVTV - Die Fernsehmilizen im Archiv III! °`°º¤ø von Sascha

- Hey, Steve.
- Yeah?

I think this is a
picture of your ex-wife.

Oh, my God!
On the kitchen table?
That's my kitchen
table where I eat!

- Well, he is eating.
- Son of a bitch!

Wait, wait, wait.
So, the guy who car this is
has been nutting your wife?
Rich white people can
suck my big, fat dick!


Ansonsten war's eine richtig gute -Folge.

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