becks  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.02.2012 13:36 Uhr
Thema: Re:The Big Bang Theory S05E17 ''The Rothman Disintegration' Antwort auf: The Big Bang Theory S05E17 ''The Rothman Disintegration' von Sascha
>How about you decide this
>with Rock-Paper-Scissors Lizard-Spock?
>What the frig is that?
>was created by Internet pioneer
>Sam Kass as an improvement
>on the classic game
>How does it work?
>Oh, it's very simple:
>Scissors cuts paper,
>paper covers rock,
>rock crushes lizard,
>lizard poisons Spock,
>Spock smashes scissors,
>scissors decapitates lizard,
>lizard eats paper,
>paper disproves Spock,
>Spock vaporizes rock,
>and as it always has,
>rock crushes scissors.

>Endlich ist das auch geklärt.

Genau genommen schon seit S02E08 : The Lizard-Spock Expansion
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