Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 26.01.2007 17:49 Uhr
Thema: 4 neue Teaser (SPOILERS!!!) Antwort auf: Lost - die 3. Staffel von Sascha


ROTFL!!! Sie haben einen Dharma VW-Bus! Im Lost Moment 11 Video sitzen
die ja drinne. im Video danach zeigt sich dass der auch noch fährt.

Im letzten Trailer scheint Jack wieder im Käfig zu sitzen.

Not in Portland. Series 3, episode 7.
This episode continues exactly where the last one finished. Ben’s life is now in
Jacks hands. Jack wastes no time using this to his advantage by helping Kate and
Sawyer to escape. What perils lie ahead for Kate and Sawyer? Could they find
unexpected help from one of the Others? We also get the opportunity to learn more
about Juliet and her past. Charlie and Hurley go through Sawyers personal belongings
and food stash back at the beach and Charlie finds himself under attack by Desmond.

Flashes Before Your Eyes. Series 3, episode 8.
Charlie and Hurley try to work out what happened to Desmond after the hatch explosion.
We learn more about Desmond’s past focusing on his life before recruitment into the
army. Will we finally get a better understanding of what the Others are up to?

Stranger in a Strange Land. Series 3, episode 9.
This episode reveals more flash backs about Jack on his travels to Bangkok and Thailand.
He recalls the intriguing people he met, in particular the unforgettable Sherry and a
talented tattoo artist.
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