PUH  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 12.10.2005 14:27 Uhr
Thema: Re:PUH, L@@k! Antwort auf: PUH, L@@k! von Melanie


Q:?Will this machine be capable of going forwards as well as backwards it time. I built one in 2052 that only went backwards and I haven't been able to get back to my time. I need one that can go boths ways so I can come back to this time to feed the cat I have.  posted by: jd10 (96 )  2:07 pm, Wed 28 Sep

A: ?interesting dilema, but simply answered by the formula : dt = dt' . (1 - vē/cē)1/2 which i have designed the device around, in theory past and future travel should be possible. I have sympathy for you and your cat, but when amateurs play with time travel this is what happens.

Aber ich brauche keine Zeitmaschine, ich stehe zu allem was ich in der Vergangenheit getan habe. Ok, da war die Sache mit dem Swimmingpool. Aber sonst!
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