Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 16.11.2019 16:54 Uhr
Thema: Re:Nintendo lehnt Vorbestellungsstornierungen ab ... Antwort auf: Nintendo lehnt Vorbestellungsstornierungen ab ... von Macher

"Nintendo in their reply say they don't agree with the council, and that they
aren't breaking any laws. They say that, because you can pre-load the game
instantly after pre-ordering, the "performance has begun" (which is the
wording of the law), and the sales contract is fulfilled.

The Council however, says you can't claim "performance has begun" until the
game is playable, even though you've pre-loaded it."

Der eine legt ein Gesetz so der andere so aus. Am Ende ist die Frage
ob das Gericht das so oder so auslegt. Capiche? Alles offen in der Frage.
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