membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 30.05.2019 15:37 Uhr
Thema: 20 Xbox Titel kommen auf Steam (und anderswo) + Gamepass Antwort auf: Die wichtigsten News der Welt von membran
Außerdem ein spezieller Xbox-PC Gamepass, falls das wen juckt.

Und: Win32 Games im Win 10 Store.


Speaking of the Microsoft Store - your favourite place to buy PC games, I'm sure - there's good news there too. Microsoft will begin making new Xbox Game Studios exclusives available on other stores upon release, beginning with Steam.

"Our intent is to make our Xbox Game Studios PC games available in multiple stores, including our own Microsoft Store on Windows, at their launch," Phil Spencer said in a statement today. "We believe you should have choice in where you buy your PC games."

A Steam launch for Halo: The Master Chief Collection was confirmed back in March.
20 more will follow, Microsoft says, including Gears 5 and Age of Empires 1, 2 and 3: Definitive Editions.

What about other digital shopfronts, such as Epic Games Store? Says Phil: "We also know that there are other stores on PC, and we are working to enable more choice in which store you can find our Xbox Game Studios titles in the future."

Microsoft has also said it will add full support to Win32 games on the Microsoft Store.

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 30.05.2019 15:42 bearbeitet.***
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