membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 18.09.2018 10:54 Uhr
Thema: Die nächsten Dominosteine fallen in Europa und Australien Antwort auf: Loot Boxes von Macher
Die Mühlen mahlen langsam. Aber es ist unbestreitbar Bewegung in der Sache. Danke, EA!


Fifteen gambling regulators from across Europe, as well as Washington State Gambling Commission, have signed an agreement to work together to address the risks created by the blurring of lines between gaming and gambling.

Tackling unlicensed third-party websites offering illegal gambling linked to popular video games is a priority and the regulators are calling for the video games industry and technology platforms to play their part in helping crack down on these websites. Games providers must also ensure that features within games, such as loot boxes, do not constitute gambling under national laws.



Australian parliamentary committee: "Loot boxes provide games companies with an unregulated way of exploiting gambling disorders"

Our large-scale study (n=7,422) found important links between loot box spending and problem gambling. The more severe gamers’ problem gambling was, the more likely they were to spend large amounts of money on loot boxes.

These results strongly support claims that loot boxes are psychologically akin to gambling. These results also suggest that there is a serious risk for loot boxes to cause gambling-related harm. More specifically, they suggest that either:

- Loot boxes act as a gateway to problem gambling amongst gamers.
- Loot boxes provide games companies with an unregulated way of exploiting gambling disorders amongst their customers.

Given the relationship between loot box use and problem gambling outlined above, we recommend that

- Games containing loot boxes carry parental advisories
- Games containing loot boxes carry descriptors that indicate the presence of in-game gambling content.
- Serious consideration is given to restricting games that contain loot boxes to players of legal gambling age
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