membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 28.08.2018 10:01 Uhr
Thema: 73,7 GB Patch: diesmal soll alles anders sein Antwort auf: Die Chefsammlung von Icheherntion
Die Betatestphase ist wohl vorbei. Hat ja nur knapp vier Jahre gedauert. :)


Ahead of the Xbox Game Pass release later in the week, the first of many updates for Halo: The Master Chief Collection has released and is now available for download.

The patch is around 73GB. Shortly after beginning the download, the game will be "Ready to Play" and at this point you can launch the game and begin customising your install. This will allow you to choose which games you want to install, what order and if you want to download Campaign OR Multiplayer.
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